
For many families, when a family member has dyslexia, many questions arise. Below you will find some of own but when readers ask us, we will add them below.

According to Webster Dictionary dyslexia is

noun, dys·lex·ia 

 a variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing

However, to us, it means much more than that. It means that one with this learning difference may struggle to read and write, but not only can they be taught, but they can also show a great aptitude for other subjects.

We wish to show this via our book. We wanted to use the well-understood trope of anthropomorphic vehicles and put in the twist of them having learning differences and how they could overcome them.

By doing this we hope to show both the young and the old that having a learning difference doesn’t have to be negative on the contrary it can be one’s own superpower.

With over 30 million Americans diagnosed with dyslexia, Jonathan and Lynn has a lot of unstructured time during 2019. They conceptualized and developed the story and characters. They are very excited about their first book as they believe, Robby the Dyslexic Taxi and the Airport Adventure” is a must-read for anyone who loves a good adventure and a happy ending. So buckle up and join Robby on his unforgettable journey! 


When Jonathan had trouble reading and writing, he quickly learned that he could draw to communicate his thoughts and feelings. Over the past few years, many authors and illustrators with dyslexia have found success and the connection between dyslexia and art is more common that one would think. 

Yes, we were fortunate to find The Windward School is a premier independent day school for children with dyslexia or other language-based learning disabilities.  Jonathan attended Windward until 6th grade and his learning prepared him to attend a school focused on arts.

The International Dyslexia Association, Inc. (IDA) provides advocacy, resources and services to teaching professionals, advocates and individuals and families impacted by dyslexia and other related learning differences. 

Other resources to learn about learning disabilities include: